Week 10: Sensitive Periods

Order | Language | Movement | Sensory Perceptions |
Birth to 5 years old | 7 months to 6 years old | Birth to 4.5 years old Coordination = 2.5 - 4.5 | Birth to 5 years old |
Independence = confidence | Brain foundation is built through experiences in early life. | Gross and fine motor skills | Vision, touch, taste, smell and hearing |
- order of sequence = dinner, bath, books, bed - consistency encourages babies to know what to expect - everything in its place | - By age 5 90% of the brain is developed - language is learned socially (not by apps/tv) - language is strongest in 1st year - "Language makes our world" | -reduce containers such as cribs, saucers, jolly jumpers - encourage creeping and crawling = enhances sensory experiences - use of utensils from a young age to develop skills | examples: -putting things in your mouth for sensory input - soft vs rough objects -categories become refined over time |
* Please see "reference page" for all cited material.