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Home Page References
In order of date posted.

The Jacksons. (2018, July 31). ABC. Youtube. ABC - YouTube


Discussion Page References 
In order of date posted.

Week 13:
Best start resource centre. (2012). The Sacred Journey from Preconception to Parenting for First Nations Families in Ontario. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. E31-A.pdf (

Mauldin, A. ( n.d.). Teratogen: What Is It, Examples, and More. Teratogen: What Is It, Examples, and More | Osmosis


Red River College. (n.d.). Science of early child development (introductory education plus child development primer.) [Online resource].

Week 11:

Now Owned and Operated by Child BC. (2011, October 26). Epigenetics Explained [Youtube]. in new window

NSPCC. (2017, March 2). How a child's brain develops through early experiences [Video]. Youtube. in new window

Science Trek. (2019, September 9). Heredity: Who Are You?|Science Trek [Video]. Youtube. in new window

What is Epigenetics? The Answer to the Nature vs. Nurture Debate. (2020, October 30). Harvard University.

Images (n.d.)  Stunning free images & royalty free stock. Specific accreditation not required.
Mother Son Bubbles - Free photo on Pixabay
Mother Daughter Family - Free photo on Pixabay
Father Baby Portrait - Free photo on Pixabay

Week 10: 

Educational Video Publishing. (2012, December 27). 07 Sensitive Period for Movement [Video]. Youtube. in new window

Educational Video Publishing. (2012, March 28). 08 Sensitive Period for Order [Video]. Youtube. in new window

Mustard J. (2006). Experience-based brain development: Scientific underpinnings of the importance of early child development in a global world. Paediatrics & child health, 11(9), 571–572. in new window

PBC Expo. (2021). How to recognize and support sensitive periods in your child's development. Retrieved from in new window

Rising Tide Montessori. (2020, October 28). Refinement of the Sensory Perception [Video]. Youtube. in new window

Sprouts. (2019, April 30). Language: The First 5 Years of Life of Learning [Video]. Youtube.

Week 9:

Images (n.d.) Stunning free images & royalty free stock. Specific accreditation not required. Pixaby. [picture]


Play Core. (n.d.) Whole Child Development in Inclusive Play. Physical, Social-Emotional, Sensory, Cognitive, and Communication. [website]

Images (n.d.)  Stunning free images & royalty free stock. Specific accreditation not required. Pixaby.


Week 8: 
Asher. E. (2020, July 11). Designing For Good: Universal vs. Inclusion vs. Equity Design. [Photograph].

College of Early Childhood Educators. (2021, October). Practice Guidelines: Diversity and Culture.

Canadian Paediatric Society. (2019, October). Your child's development: what to expect. in new window

Children's Hospital of Richmond at VCU. (2021). Gross motor skills: birth to 5 years.

HSC Winnipeg. (2017, November 20). Fine Motor Development From Birth to 5 [Video]. Youtube. in new window

LEADERSproject. (2020, August 6). Cognitive Developmental Milestones CDC [Video]. Youtube.  opens in new window in new windowopens in new window

LEADERSproject. (2020, August 6). Social Emotional Developmental Milestones CDC [Video]. Youtube. in new window

LEADERSproject. (2020, August 8). Language Communication Developmental Milestones CDC [Video]. Youtube. in new window

Red River College. (n.d.). Science of early child development (Introductory edition plus child development primer.) [Online resource].

Images (n.d.)  Stunning free images & royalty free stock. Specific accreditation not required. Pixaby.




Week 6:
Research Methods + DesignsSECD. (n.d.). Science of Early Childhood Development. CDP6: Observation. Child Development Primer. 

Week Four:
Post One: 

Mental Help. (n.d.) MentalHelp.Net. An American Addiction Centers Resource. Jean Piaget and Child Development (
Pearson, N. (2016, November 24). Minds of Wonder. Piaget’s Influence on Educational Practices. 
Piaget's Influence on Educational Practices - Minds of Wonder

Teachings in Education. (2020, December 9). Piaget: Theory of Cognitive Development. YouTube. Piaget: Theory of Cognitive Development - YouTube

Post Two: 
Argueta, R. (2018, December 4). Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Systems Theory. YouTube.

Derkson, T. (2010, July 30). The influence of Ecological Theory in Child and Youth Care: A Review of the Literature. International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Services. DOI: 420102091.

Lang, S.S. (2005, September 26). Urie Bronfenbrenner, father of Head Start program and pre-eminent 'human ecologist,' dies at age 88. Cornell Chronicle. Urie Bronfenbrenner, father of Head Start program and pre-eminent 'human ecologist,' dies at age 88 | Cornell Chronicle


Price, K. (2017, September 5). Urie Bronfenbrenner Ecological Systems Theory. YouTube.


Week Three: 

Post One:
Cherry, K. (2021, July 18). Erik Erikson’s Stage of Psychosocial Development. Very Well Mind.

Peavey, J. (2018, November 25). Erikson’s 8 Stages pf Development Theory. YouTube.


Post Two:

Cherry, K. (2020, March 16). What the Bobo Doll Experiment Reveals about Kids and Aggression. Bandura's Bobo Doll Experiment on Social Learning (


Debate Films (2011, May 17). The Brain: A Secret History- Emotions; Bandura Bobo Doll Experiment
The Brain: A Secret History - Emotions; Bandura Bobo Doll Experiment - YouTube


Kurt, S. (2020, January 6). Social Learning Theory: Alberta Bandura. Educational Technology. Social Learning Theory: Albert Bandura - Educational Technology

In order of date posted

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